190 West Winter Street • artscastle.org
In 2017, the outdoor exhibit space, The Arts Castle Sculpture Garden, was created. Four life-size topiary horses sculpted by internationally renowned artist Jim Mason (who also designed the famed Topiary Garden in Columbus, Ohio) are at the base of the hill in front of The Castle. The
garden has two sculptures by Columbus artist Chris Mohler. One sits at the top of the hillside and the other on the patio facing Elizabeth St. A sculpture by Ostrander artist Mac Worthington is on the hillside along Elizabeth St. Glass mosaic works created in celebration of Delaware
Grape by Lynda Elias and Virginia Corwin can be seen at the bottom of the hillside along Winter St. and adjacent to the parking lot on Elizabeth St. depicting The Arts Castle. The garden also features a ginkgo tree brought back from China and planted by George Campbell in 1850 and an arbor bearing the Delaware Grape which George cultivated in the mid-1800’s.